Saturday, December 6, 2008

Free Reset - Canon ip1700

Reset - Canon ip1700  &  ip1300

Step 1: Manual Temporary
1. Turn off the printer. And disconnect the printer cable.
2. Press and hold the POWER button, turn on the printer. 
3. The indicator (L.E.D.) should be green. 
4. Press and release the RESUME button, the indicator (L.E.D.) should be orange. 
5. Press and release the RESUME button again, the indicator (L.E.D.) should be green. 
6. Release both buttons. 

Step 2: Software for Permanent 
1. Reconnect the printer cable.
2. Open General Tools software and select (USB PORT)
3. Choose (SET DESTINATION 1) and it should be reset.

Please download this software  


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